Scenes cut out that are not included on the DVD release include: -After talking with his son, Rocky follows a woman up an escalator, thinking she's Adrian. This was before MGM demanded Stallone cut the film down to an hour and forty-five minutes (the release print eventually ran an hour and forty-two minutes). This cut of the film played to sneak preview audiences on May 15th, 2006. Stallone's original cut of the film ran near 2 1/2 hours. The crowd was never told to stand up or to chant - they had done it completely on their own, and according to the filmmakers, by far the biggest cheer of the night was for Rocky, not for any of the real fighters. Stallone was hoping that the crowd wouldn't boo or cause any problems, but as he made his way to the ring (as Rocky), the whole building gave him a standing ovation and began to chant 'ROCKY, ROCKY'. As such, the press conference scene was shot only moments after the real press conference with Hopkins and Taylor, whilst the scene when Rocky walks through the curtain and down to the ring was shot using the real Hopkins/Taylor crowd. Stallone suggested that the film could piggyback the real event, using the real HBO format, the real crowd, even the real press conference setup. Sylvester Stallone knew that HBO had an upcoming PPV event with Bernard Hopkins taking on Jermaine Taylor in the main event, at the Mandalay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas.

During preproduction, as the filmmakers tried to find a good location to shoot the fight, they met with constant obstacles - every suitable arena was booked out.